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Renaissance Roofing, Inc.Mar 27, 2023 10:30:00 AM3 min read

Crafting a Career: Marty Webb, Foreman Carpenter

Reniassance workers on roof

With 46 years experience as a carpenter, it’s safe to say Marty Webb enjoys building things. But he also enjoys a challenge and solving problems, and it’s these two character traits that best describe how and why he’s found such success as Renaissance Historic Exterior’s foreman carpenter. As a valuable member of our team, Marty collaborates with our restoration specialists and helps train new Renaissance carpenters how to use their skills to restore historic structures for generations to come. 

In this installment of Crafting a Career, Marty discusses how he got into carpentry, what makes a career with Renaissance so rewarding, and much more.

how long have you been with renaissance, and do you remember your first job as part of the team?

I’ve been with Renaissance for about seven years now. My first job with the team was restoring the clock tower on Building 52 at the Fort Leavenworth campus. I had built quite a few gazebos in my life prior to this, so I was asked if I could build a little bit bigger one with more of a round shape that could be installed on the tower. It sounded like a challenge and a lot of fun.

what made you want to pursue a career with renaissance?

What first attracted me to Renaissance was the historical nature of the projects. I love to see how buildings used to be built, and then how we can use modern materials to transform them back to what they once were. Some of the buildings we restore are more than 100 years old, and I really like knowing that these buildings will be here for a long time after I finish my part of the work.

what's been your proudest moment with renaissance?

One of the proudest moments for me is every time I get to work with a new carpenter. It’s really rewarding to see someone start fresh, and then watch them develop. We’ve had a good number of younger carpenters start their careers here and really grow.

what are some of the qualities renaissance looks for in new restoration specialists?

I think we’re looking for someone who wants to learn a “forever trade.” We’re looking for someone who has the willingness, drive, and desire to learn. Restoration projects are about figuring out problems and solving challenges. I love working with people who enjoy learning, and who are willing to do hard work in order to get the job done.

how much collaboration takes place on any given renaissance porject?

Teamwork and collaboration is part of the everyday experience at Renaissance. In my role, I am in constant communication with the sales person/estimator who helped plan the project, the project manager who’s helping to oversee everything, and the other foremen — roofing, copper studio, and others. There’s a lot of back and forth, but this consistent level of communication is what helps us successfully restore these historic structures.

do you have any advice for someone who is looking to join renaissance?

I think they should know there is definitely a difference between working for a typical roofing company compared with working for Renaissance. We’re looking to restore something so that it lasts, you know? A typical roofing company is trying to get the job done as quickly as possible so they can get paid and move on to the next job. But at Renaissance, we’re invested in taking the time to care for these structures, to pay attention to the details, and to help ensure the structure’s longevity.

Let's finish up with a couple of speed round questions: marty, what is the best sandwich?

i love a good cuban sandwhich. 

what is the most used app on your phone?

Google Maps. I do a lot of traveling for work.

what is your favorite season of the year and why?

Spring. Because it means winter is over.

what did you want to be when you were 8 years old?

I wanted to be a cowboy. I had the spurs, the hat, the little badge, cowboy boots, the whole thing. I don’t think I took them off until I was 10.

Giddy up, Marty, and thanks for taking a few minutes to talk with us about how you crafted a career with Renaissance.

Curious about how you can craft your own career in historic restoration? We have a variety of career opportunities for you to use your experience and skills to restore and preserve historic buildings for decades to come.