Experience Modification Rating (EMR) graph
Renaissance Roofing, Inc.Sep 28, 2017 3:27:00 PM1 min read

We are Passionate About Our Safety Program and Our Record Shows it

When choosing a roofing contractor, not every customer evaluates their safety record and training program. They should.

The lack of safety protocols and worker training on a roofing project can result in severe injury and/or other losses due to fire, building damage or loss of use. This leads to litigation that can go on for years, and expenses that could have been avoided if a culture of safety was instilled in every worker.

At Renaissance Roofing, we understand the inherent dangers of our business and are very proud of our safety record. We remind our customers that past performance is the best indicator of future results, and stand behind our 25-year history of safe roof restorations. We are committed to our training program, our use of personal protection equipment (PPE), fire prevention equipment, and fall protection gear.

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One of the best measures of our safety record is our Experience Modification Rating (EMR), as determined by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). This number represents what our insurance companies have paid out on workers compensation claims over a three-year period, relative to average loss data for all employers in that industry. The roofing industry average is one; lower than 1 is better than the industry average. Renaissance Roofing has an EMR of .69, and we are working hard every day to drive that number even lower.

Pre-qualifying a contractor for safety will go a long way to helping ensure your historic roof restoration will go smoothly. We always advise prospective clients to take the take the time to properly qualify a roofing contractor before awarding their project.